Top 3 exercises to do at the gym for Beginners

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Written By Kayla Lewis

1. Deadlift:

Deadlifts are like the superstar of exercises. They work your entire back, lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Plus, they make your grip stronger and even help your biceps and core. There are different ways to do deadlifts, focusing on different muscles. For example:

  • Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Work more on hamstrings.
  • Rack Pulls: Target your lower back.
  • Snatch Grip Deadlift: Focus on your laths (the muscles on your sides).

2. Bench Press:

Bench press is excellent for your upper body. It strengthens your chest, triceps, and shoulders. It’s like the king of upper body exercises. You can change it up a bit too:

  • Incline/Decline Bench Press: Adjust the angle for different challenges.
  • Wide Grip/Close Grip Bench Press: Change how wide your hands are to focus on specific muscles.
benchpress 4

3. Front Squat:

Bench press is excellent for your upper body. It strengthens your chest, triceps, and shoulders. It’s like the king of upper body exercises. You can change it up a bit too:
